San Diego’s Best
Content Marketing

We help you drive traffic, leads, and sales, with a tailor-made content marketing strategy designed to boost your business results.

Digital Authority Partners is an award-winning content marketing agency that helps San Diego businesses attract and convert traffic. We deliver comprehensive content marketing strategies that form the centerpiece of companies’ marketing and growth strategy.

As a San Diego content marketing agency, we understand what it takes for San Diego companies to compete locally and on a national stage. Our track record of successful delivery includes double digit traffic and leadgen increases for organizations ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.

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1 M+
Qualified Leads
1.5 M+
Monthly Visitors delivered to Client Sites
350 K+
Position #1 Search Results for our clients
12.5 K+
Articles Written Per Year
300 +
Fortune 5000 Accounts Closed for Our Clients

Our Clients

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Why Content Marketing Is a Foundation for Your Growth Strategy

Your content marketing is a key pillar of your business’s ability to gain new customers and grow. We don’t just stop at attracting traffic. We employ a variety of content strategies and types to take a prospect through the entire buyer’s journey. All the leads you generate with content marketing ultimately only matter if you turn them into clients.

When you ignore content marketing, you miss out on a major opportunity to grow your business. If your company cannot attract prospects through content, you are missing out on valuable leads. If your company cannot provide potential customers with further relevant and compelling content once they find your site, you may lose valuable customers as well.

Your content marketing strategy should be fine-tuned to your specific business needs and your target audiences. You need to include content for each product or service you offer to deliver prospects the information they need to proceed.

We don’t ignore crucial aspects like keyword optimization. In content marketing, selecting the right keywords can mean the difference between your content showing up above your competitors’ content or not showing up at all when users search for offerings like yours. We find the best keywords to put in your content to boost search results page rankings and drive traffic to your site.

San Diego Content Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

The honest answer is, any and all businesses! It doesn’t matter if your company is in the Fortune 500 or has fewer than 50 employees. Across B2B and B2C companies, content marketing is a proven and effective way to drive results for your business.

The bulk of your written pieces for content marketing should be long-form. While shorter pieces do have value – mostly to support your long-form content – longer is usually better. The average length of the content at the top of Google search results is around 2,700 words, so you want to start at 3,000 words and go from there.

Using online tracking tools like Google Analytics will give you real-time data that lets you track how content is performing. It shows the traffic to your page, how long people are staying, and what they are doing when they are on there. This is all info you need to be able to ultimately assign a dollar figure return to your marketing and find your true ROI.

These numbers will also give you insights that can be used to refine and improve strategy. You can see what content works, what content doesn’t, and how and when people are interacting with it. This data will help you produce more of the content that people love and less that they do not.

Your content shouldn’t be set in stone forever once it goes out in the world. A little update and improvement once in a while can keep your content evergreen and be the marketing gift that keeps on giving.

Periodically, you want to update your content. This can be a boon for SEO. Every 6-months or so, going back and updating your content will ensure that your article stays at the top of search results. You don’t want to change the URL but you can do things like update stats, change links, and add a few hundred words. When you republish the content, search engines will see the content as fresh and keep it highly ranked.

One of the best ways to identify and understand your target audience is to create a buyer persona. A buyer persona means creating a semi-fictionalized depiction of what your core consumer looks like. What is their demographic information? What challenges do they face? What do they do for a living? What motivates them? What are they trying to achieve?

Answering these questions and using them to create a realized picture of who your content marketing is speaking to is a great way to start the process. This will help keep you on track, give your ideas, and allow you to regularly create content that connects with your audience. And that is a huge factor in content marketing.

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