Medical SEO Agency
Frequently Asked Questions

How do Medical Practices Benefit from SEO?

77% of new patients’ journeys begin online. 76% of smartphone users searching locally visit a business within one day. 28% of those result in a purchase. In short, higher search rankings result in more patients for your practice. Ultimately, when you optimize for user experience, search engines figure it out and you rank higher, and pre-qualify prospects for purchase before they contact you. Comparatively, spending $50k on SEO versus $50k on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) produces as much, or more, traffic at significantly higher ROI and a body of reusable marketing assets with compounding benefits for years to come. SEO ROI increases over time, while PPC spend must be maintained.

SEO is vital to medical practices because most patients find providers through online search. SEO content can be your best salesperson. You can educate, inform, and gain reader’s trust by answering their health questions and providing solutions. Doing so increases the likelihood they choose your services. SEO content also gives you the opportunity to establish E-A-T—expertise, authority, and trust. Psychologically, coupled with credibility and social-proof, these are the most important factors customers intuitively consider when making purchase decisions. 

No business owner wants to hear “it depends.” Agencies often sidestep, or even mislead, setting unrealistic expectations in efforts to get clients who they end up losing later. According to a MorningScore survey of 75 SEO experts, 82% report SEO taking 6 months to increase traffic. Full results of well planned, effective SEO are seen from 12-24 months. 

Remember, SEO content compounds and aggregates. Over time, your results increase and costs decrease as search engines gather more data establishing E-A-T factors. Still, it’s important to view SEO as a regular part of your ongoing marketing efforts and budget accordingly.

In many industries low-hanging-fruit can accelerate near-term results. Our approach is to aggressively pursue both near- and long-term results, maximizing the conversion value of any traffic gained through SEO. If you require immediate results consider our PPC management services.

National SEO service kickoff costs range from $5k-$10k, with ongoing costs of $6k+.

Local SEO service kickoff costs are in the $10k range, with ongoing monthly costs of $6k+.

Deliverables include but aren’t limited to:

  • SEO audit
  • SEO strategy
  • Keyword research
  • Keyword optimization
  • Title tag optimization
  • Meta description optimization
  • Google My Business and Bing Places setup and optimization
  • Link building
  • Page speed optimization
  • Content creation and optimization
  • Analytics setup
  • Routine reporting

First, factor in your costs. Factoring costs is easiest when an agency handles 100% of your SEO efforts. That way you have fixed costs that can be easily tracked. If you have in-house resources jointly working on SEO efforts, calculate their costs based on salary or the number of hours dedicated to SEO efforts. If you’re paying for SEO tools and applications, factor those in too.

Next, look at your organic (non-paid search) traffic channel in Analytics. If you’re working with an agency, they’ll have this information because retaining you as a client necessitates proving their worth. Calculate the number of leads from organic traffic.

Now determine the value of a lead. Do this by calculating the percentage of leads who convert to patients.

Determine average patient lifetime value (LTV). Do this by calculating the average number of patient visits per year, multiplied by the average value of a visit, multiplied by the average number of years you retain a patient.

Once you have these metrics, calculate ROI using the following formula:

(conversion value – investment cost) / investment cost

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Free Consultation

Questions about medical SEO? Schedule an appointment with one of our in-house SEO specialists and discover how to make your next project a success.

Why Companies Choose to Work With Our Medical SEO Agency

  1. We’re Ethical. White-hat SEO is sustainable SEO that won’t negatively impact your business down the road.
  2. We’re Specialized. We specialize in medical marketing and work with industry leaders including Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Athena Health, and Omron.
  3. We’re Compliant. Our experts create SEO optimized regulatory compliant content to maximize results and avoid litigation.
  4. We’re award winning. We’ve won multiple awards including Design Drizzle’s “Best Digital Marketing Agency” award. 
  5. We drive maximum value within your budget. We know the only way to keep you long-term clients is by maximizing results within your budget.



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