Chiropractor SEO Marketing
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I market myself as a chiropractor?

Marketing begins with understanding who your target audience is and their needs. Did you know roughly 46% of Google searches are local? Through targeted SEO techniques, you can effectively market your company by getting your practice at the top of search results for “Chiropractor near me”. And by providing valuable information to your audience, you’ll build a relationship and enhance your value as a business.

Like any successful business, your marketing budget should be determined by the expected results in a given period of time. When any marketing strategy is successful—meaning it brings in more than you spend—scaling that strategy will be a direct path to more traffic, clients, and profit. When it comes to chiropractor SEO marketing, arriving at the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs) is a function of how much other chiropractor businesses have invested in local SEO and what it would take to beat them.


We typically advise chiropractors to set up a budget of $4,000-$5,000 per month

First, focus locally. A smart SEO strategy will target specific long-tail keywords including the zip code, neighborhood, and city in which you operate. Prioritize building the right landing pages, supporting content, and backlinks for the keywords with the highest marketing ROI.

Growing your chiropractic business requires identifying and prioritizing successful marketing strategies. Scaling your business involves investing money in proven, successful strategies. SEO marketing for chiropractor businesses is the most cost-effective strategy to get more patients. Once our team discovers your long-term vision, we’ll craft a chiropractor SEO marketing plan that delivers nonstop targeted traffic.

When most people hear the word “promote” they think about purchasing ads, running commercials, and the like. Yet promoting your chiropractic business comes down to positioning yourself as the premier chiropractic option for your target audience—local consumers interested in or in need of chiropractic services. That’s why SEO marketing is so effective; it meets your target clients where they are (online search) and delivers content that builds brand awareness and positions your business as the solution for their needs.

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Free Consultation

Questions about driving new patients to your chiropractic practice with SEO? Schedule an appointment with a DAP SEO expert today!

Why Companies Choose to Work With our Chiropractor SEO Marketing Experts

  • We’re not just SEO experts—we’re SEO experts with a deep understanding of how to achieve results specifically for chiropractic businesses.
  • We’ve become the go-to resource for chiropractor SEO marketing by delivering measurable results using efficient and cost-effective SEO strategies.
  • Our team of SEO specialists has an award-winning track record for consistently delivering outstanding results for our chiropractor clients. 
  • We stay up to date on the latest Google trends in order to keep our clients on the top of search results.

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Chiropractor SEO Marketing

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Chiropractor SEO Marketing Agency

What is Chiropractic SEO Marketing?

Chiropractic SEO marketing is the process of optimizing your online presence in order to attract more organic traffic by appearing higher on search engine results pages (SERPs) for chiropractor searches.

The goal of chiropractor search engine optimization is to create valuable content that would help your business rank at the top of search results.

For example, let’s say someone in Las Vegas is dealing with a sore back and is wondering if a chiropractor could help relieve the pain. They hop on a computer, open Google, and search for the following: “Chiropractor near me”

Google will show a page of relevant results. If you are doing SEO correctly, you will be at the top of those results.

How Does Your Content Get to Page 1?

As you might expect, this is the result of many factors. For example, backlinks and optimal keyword usage can make sure Google sees your content as valuable and relevant.

And technical SEO—the behind-the-scenes SEO work—makes sure Google can properly understand what your content provides for relevant audiences.

When executed correctly, a premier chiropractor SEO marketing plan will increase both the quantity and quality of your website’s organic traffic by optimizing your digital content for the benefit of search engine algorithms and audience behaviors.

Why Is It Important?

SEO marketing is vital for any successful chiropractic business for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that it has a direct impact on the bottom line.

First, SERPs are where your audience resides. This is especially true for local businesses, which is precisely how we can define virtually any chiropractic business.

Consider that searches including the terms “near me” or “close by” have increased by approximately 900% over the past two years.

And more than half (53%) of all website traffic comes from organic searches.

So, if you want to get your name and content in front of prospective clients near you, SEO is the most direct path.

Second, SEO marketing can make you the first choice of your target audience. That means exponentially increasing traffic, conversions, and sales.


Did you know that only 25% of searchers ever make it beyond the first page of results? Now consider that roughly 50% of searchers only click on the top two organic search results.

Ready to go one step further? Approximately 33% of users only click on the top organic search result.

SEO marketing exists to drive your website and content to those top SERP results. That means your web page will show up and be clicked by searchers when someone makes a query regarding chiropractors in your area.

Third, SEO marketing can drastically outperform other marketing strategies when it comes to return on investment, or ROI.

An effective SEO strategy will take into account everything—backlinks, domain authority, technical SEO, keywords, user intent, etc.—and optimize it so that your digital content shows up as one of the top organic results.

Remember, you’re not paying for any ads to make your content appear on Page 1.

So, SEO becomes a direct path to funneling more highly qualified traffic into your website. That means more organic visitors, more clients, and more sales without emptying your marketing budget on advertising.

What Is SEO and How Is It Used in Healthcare?

Interchangeable terms like healthcare SEO and medical SEO are used to describe search engine optimization (SEO) for the medical entities, such as clinics, hospitals, and healthcare service providers.

In this arena, SEO is used to connect healthcare organizations and the people searching for healthcare items or services through search engines.

Keywords, technical SEO, backlinks, and more are used by those healthcare entities to entice Google (and other search engines) to serve their content higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

And while any SEO effort has the goal of attracting organic traffic, healthcare SEO takes on a unique role for many within this industry.

For example, medical SEO is used to elevate brand awareness for many healthcare organizations. Either on a local or national level, the medical organization that constantly appears in the first page of search results will inevitably earn an enhanced reputation.

Healthcare entities are also leveraging SEO to drive not just visits, but also engagement. More than half (52%) of consumers search medical providers online before engaging with hospitals.

By tailoring an SEO strategy that guides every visitor toward a particular action, such as calling a hotline, businesses and organizations are using SEO to drive interactions that result in more clients and profits.

And in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more healthcare organizations are using SEO to improve the user experience.

Did you know that 81% of healthcare consumers are unsatisfied with their healthcare experience?

SEO drives searchers to your website, where user-centric website design customizes the user experience for a more enjoyable, satisfactory journey.

But more than ever, SEO is being used to drive healthcare visitors and clients. According to Google, 5% of all Google searches are healthcare related. That’s millions of individuals searching for healthcare information or services like yours.

Chiropractor SEO Tips

The ideal chiropractor SEO marketing plan can attract organic visitors, elevate the user experience, and funnel profits into your pockets. To receive all of those benefits and more, a comprehensive approach tailored to the chiropractic field is required.

First, focus on long-tail keywords to reach your local audience.

Including terms like “near me” or the name of your city can drastically improve search rankings with regard to your local audience.

Remember, searches including the terms “near me” or “close by” have increased by approximately 900% over the past two years.

Second, make sure your website and all digital content is mobile friendly.

As recently as 2019, 62% of online searches were initiated on a mobile device in the health and medical industry alone.

While many competitors will forget the mobile experience, optimizing your own mobile experience will lead to higher rankings, a better user experience, and more engagement.

Third, don’t write about telehealth.

As a chiropractor, you’re used to being hands on. While that’s perfectly fine, forgetting telehealth can mean saying goodbye to waves of potential clients.

Although treatment may not be administered in such a manner, telehealth can be used to engage with interested prospects, discuss treatment options, and set appointments.

Fourth, focus on technical SEO.

This is how you can effectively communicate with Google, helping the search engine understand what sort of value your website or content delivers to relevant audiences.

This includes a deep dive into metadata, which top-tier chiropractor SEO marketing experts can execute and optimize.

Fifth, leverage referrals from other healthcare entities.

From guest posts to social media posts to straightforward referrals, other chiropractors have plenty to offer. Build a relationship and reap the rewards of backlinks, enhanced brand perception, and more qualified leads.

Sixth, commit to a consistent and robust SEO blog strategy.

With keyword-centric, value-driving content, you have the ability to make contact with your target audience whilst delivering the information they’re looking for. Create a comprehensive blog schedule to cover all relevant topics of interest for your audience.

Seventh, make sure to create and/or update your Google Business profile.

Executing this step is vital in the endeavor of connecting with your local audience. By establishing an up-to-date Google Business profile, you make your business easier to find.

Eighth, pay attention to voice search.

More and more Americans are using voice search to look up business and find information. In fact, nearly 50% of consumers use voice search in this capacity.

Use casual language and tone within your website content to cater to this audience.

How to Build Customers and Reviews

Customers and reviews go hand in hand when it comes to your chiropractic business.

You deliver great service to your customers or clients in order to generate positive reviews, and you leverage those reviews to attract new customers.

With a robust chiropractor SEO marketing strategy, you can develop a powerful cycle that results in a never ending stream of customers, reviews, and profits…

So, how do you create such a cycle?

The first course of action is setting up a comprehensive SEO marketing plan that targets your local audience. That plan should include strategies that make search engines want to serve your content as Page-1 results while enticing individuals to click on and interact with that content.

Blogs, keyword-rich content, strong technical SEO, backlinks—all of these integral pieces to SEO (and more) can be leveraged to make your website and content appear higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

From those advantageous positions, you’ll attract more clicks. Roughly 50% of searchers only click on the top two organic search results, and roughly 33% of users only click on the top organic search result.

SEO can also help you facilitate a more enjoyable user experience. Remember, you’ll need to keep your visitors and clients happy in order to receive positive reviews.

To do so, deliver high-quality information, focus on metadata, and speak to your audiences in language they easily understand.

Finally, ask for reviews. Don’t expect every client to willingly log online and leave a review without prompting.

While some may do so, the vast majority of reviews will be received after you politely ask your happy clients to leave their feedback.

Then leverage those reviews, working them into your SEO strategies to achieve higher rankings, more traffic, an enhanced brand perception, and more clients.

Finding New Patients Online and Through Search

Your patients are the lifeblood of your business. Without patients, there are no service appointments and no revenue.

So, shouldn’t your chiropractor SEO marketing strategy help you find new patients?

Although it may not seem so on the surface, that’s the true objective of SEO—delivering qualified traffic that will turn into new patients while elevating your ROI.

How Does It All Work?

In essence, SEO convinces search engines to serve up your content, such as blog posts or service pages, as top results for search queries. In a perfect world, your SEO strategy will focus on the core topics or keywords that make up the majority of your target audience’s searches.

For example, your target audience may often search for things like “best chiropractor in Little Rock.”

Google will then respond with a list of web pages. As a Little Rock chiropractor, a strong SEO strategy would serve one of your pages—perhaps one listing all the reviews that call you the best chiropractor in Little Rock—as a top result on Page 1.

Considering 75% of searchers never click beyond Page 1, getting listed in that initial group is key to earning more clicks from your target audience.

From there, the content should deliver the information your audience is looking for through each query.

If it does so, you’ll build a relationship with prospective clients while building brand awareness and pushing those leads closer to booking an appointment.

Beyond high-quality information in your blogs and other digital content, make sure to clearly tell the visitor what to do next.

Need more information on the topic? Go right here. Ready to get in touch to discuss treatment options? Call this number. Want to see testimonials from our patients? Click right here.

Let SEO bring in waves of qualified traffic, then reel in new patients by creating a seamless, enjoyable user experience.

What Does an SEO Agency Do?

An SEO agency will plan, execute, and monitor a comprehensive SEO strategy for your business.

Such an effort will include various steps, such as an exploratory step to learn about your goals, followed by an evaluation step to see where your digital content currently stands from an SEO standpoint.

Put simply, an SEO agency will attempt to earn you more organic traffic, more conversions, and more clientele.

How? By administering SEO strategies designed to connect your brand to your target audience through search engines.

Premier SEO agencies will complete five steps on the path to SEO success…

First, the SEO agency will gain an understanding of your business and your goals.

This step will create clear objectives for the SEO plan—objectives that should inform every strategy carried out.

Second, a comprehensive site audit will be performed.

The SEO agency will determine how audiences interact with your website, how you speak to visitors, where barriers or inefficiencies cause visitors to click off, and more. This step is paramount to finding which types of content are missing and how effective any existing local or technical SEO strategies are.

Third, an SEO roadmap will be created.

While carefully considering all business objectives, the SEO agency will craft a long-term plan to reach your goals while achieving consistent growth.

Fourth, the SEO agency will execute that plan.

Creating content, earning backlinks, optimizing technical SEO—all of these and more will be attended to in order to elevate the rankings of your digital content on search engine results pages.

Fifth, all strategies will be evaluated and optimized.

A great SEO agency will monitor the SEO plan being implemented, making adjustments wherever necessary to achieve better results.

Selecting the Right SEO Agency

You see SEO marketing as a clear path to more organic traffic, more qualified leads, and more paying clients. But you understand that implementing a robust SEO marketing strategy is something you can’t do alone.

You’re ready to bring in experts, but how do you know when you’ve found the right SEO agency?

Simply look for these five characteristics…

The right SEO agency will be award winning.

While anyone can claim to be an SEO expert, only those that have achieved real results for their clients will have the trophies to show for it.

The right SEO agency will meet your deadlines.

You can’t wait around all year to get an SEO strategy up and running. You need new clients to generate profits that allow you to pay staff, invest in new marketing initiatives, and grow as a business.

Choose only those with a track record of meeting deadlines with consistency.

The right SEO agency will work within your budget.

While you may work with an agency to find the ideal budget for your goals and capabilities, no agency should ever go beyond that budget without significant changes to your requests. Look for agency testimonials that note if that agency was able to work within or below budget.

The right SEO agency will communicate openly.

Transparency is key when it comes to chiropractor SEO marketing. Choose an agency that will deliver regular updates, work with your team to ensure an alignment of objectives, and prepare your team to execute SEO strategies long after the agency’s job is complete.

The right SEO agency will be innovative.

The world of SEO is constantly changing. Between Google algorithms, audience expectations, and everything in between, a constant need to innovate and discover new trends is what separates the great SEO agencies from the good ones.

Don’t settle for good. Find the ideal SEO agency for your business.

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