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Have questions about fractional marketing for your San Diego firm? Schedule a consultation with a DAP expert today and find out what we can do for your business.

Michael Reddy
San Diego, California
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Why San Diego Companies Choose Us For Fractional Marketing

  • We’re Experienced. We provide marketing teams with the missing piece that makes it all fall into place—C-level leadership seasoned in the marketing departments of enterprises and Fortune 500 companies.

  • We Deliver On-Time and On-Budget. Fractional marketing services are all about time and budget. We define the parameters of your fractional marketing leadership needs and set goals we can achieve in the required time, at the allotted budget.

  • We’re Award-Winning. DAP’s marketing efforts have been honored with several prestigious industry awards. We wear that accomplishment with pride and humility—a commitment to live up to that recognition with continued excellence.

  • We’re Future-Focused. Our fractional marketing services are designed not just to produce results in the short-term, but to set up your marketing team for sustained success in the future.


Our San Diego Fractional Marketing Work

Sanctuary Clothing

Sanctuary Clothing

  • 4.2X ROAS across Paid Search and Paid Social
  • 100% Organic keywords rankings increase within one year of working with DAP
  • 80% Organic traffic increase within one year of working with DAP
View case study
Outsourcing Services
Software as a Solution
Professional Services

Unity Communications

  • 481.14% Increase in Organic Web Traffic 2022 vs. 2024
  • 320% Increase in Revenue 2022-2024
  • 18X Increase in qualified leads 2022 vs. 2024
View case study
Twinkle in Time website

Twinkle in Time

  • 35+ point increase in Domain Rating (DR) within six months
  • 354 ranking keywords for the client’s website after one month
  • 10K+ unique visitors gained within six months
View case study

Want to meet with our team?

Book a meeting directly here

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Why you should choose Digital Authority Partners
For Your Fractional Marketing Needs

We Know Marketing In and Out

Marketing is a big umbrella. People talk about it all the time, but do they really understand it? How is marketing different from “sales” or “advertising?” 

DAP understands that “marketing” encompasses every activity that might cause your brand to become “top-of-mind” in your prospects’ consciousness, so they think of your brand first when they think of your industry. 

But how do you do that? For people without marketing expertise, it’s like trying to wrap your arms around smoke. DAP’s San Diego fractional marketing agency has the expertise that many organizations lack. We can marshall the vision, rally the team, and create an actionable roadmap to increased brand awareness and trust.

San Diego Fractional Marketing Agency experience matters infographic
San Diego Fractional Marketing Agency experience counts infographic

We Live and Breathe Digital Marketing

Digital marketing isn’t the only category of marketing to consider, but it is certainly one of the most important ones. The average adult spends hours every day on digital devices, littering the internet with data about their preferences and buying behaviors that digital marketing experts can follow like a breadcrumb trail to target the right message to them. 

DAP stays on the cutting edge of the best digital marketing practices—what works, what no longer works, what channels work best for which organizations, and which will produce the best ROI. We know how to optimize, analyze, and quantify digital marketing campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

We Know Marketing Processes

DAP understands that outcomes follow processes. The same effort with the wrong process can produce a much lower ROI or even fail. One of the biggest benefits of working with DAP’s San Diego fractional marketing agency is to match the right campaign with the right process.

We know how to arm you with the right digital and practical tools, workflows, and automations to maximize the efficiency of every marketing process. We know where to put the money so it will do the most good, and how to teach your marketing team to continue those processes to sustained success after your fractional marketing services end. 

San Digego Fractional Marketing Agency process diagram infographic
San Diego Fractional Marketing Agency manage teams infographic

We know how to Manage And Scale Marketing Teams

One of the key selling points of San Diego fractional marketing services is the limited scope of the services. Your brand gets world-class marketing leadership without having to pay the salary and benefits required by a full-time CMO. 

But what happens when the CMO’s contract is up and your CMO-for-hire leaves? The in-house marketing team must be able to finish what your fractional marketing leader starts.

At DAP, our highest priority is the sustainability of what we put in place. Doers do, but leaders lead. The first, last, and middle priority of your CMO-for-hire is to make sure your marketing team can stand on its own two feet and scale to maximum profitability.

We Know How To Define and Track Marketing KPIs

“Key performance indicators” (KPI) are the data points you can track to determine whether your marketing campaign is working. Not every data point available is a KPI—you have to pick which are the right ones to track, and then to know what you are looking for.

DAP draws upon its extensive experience to install the right analytics tools, identify the right KPIs, and set realistic benchmarks of what kinds of movement in the KPI represent milestones of success. We teach your marketing department to show their work, track their results, and respond to changes in the data to correct course as needed.

San Diego Fractional Marketing Agency ROI infographic
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