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Have questions about your next San Diego web development project? Schedule a consultation with a DAP website development expert today and find out what we can do for your San Diego business.

Why San Diego Companies Choose Us For Their Web Development Needs

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We’re Experienced.

DAP web developers have created digital experience for small businesses, Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between. No matter what website you have in mind, DAP experts know how to build it.

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We Deliver On-Time and On-Budget.

Every company worries that a major project like web development will exceed time and budget expectations. Our experience and dedication to the craft make us uniquely able to stick to our estimates and deliver on time.

seo agency services
seo agency services
Asset 6

We’re Award-Winning.

DAP-developed websites have been honored with several prestigious industry awards. We see those awards as standards to live up to. Just this year we won a WebAward for best web development. People expect a lot from the best, and we make sure that we don’t disappoint.

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We’re Focused on the Future.

Another fear about web development is that it will be obsolete in a year. We strive to future-proof your website so your web investment pays dividends for years to come.

Our San Diego Website Development Work

Room to Read website on screen

Room to Read

  • 35k+ students using the portal on their path to literacy
  • 1k+ teachers have integrated portal into their classrooms
  • 2 nations currently testing program for their own literacy initiatives
View case study
The new performance dashboard of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois shown on a desktop

BlueCross BlueShield

  • 75 reduction in time spent on email
  • 40 increase in submission speed of
    managed health reports
View case study
The Robosoft Technologies' wensite displayed on desktop
Software as a Solution


  • Improved SEO rankings
  • Increased qualified leads from organic traffic
  • Drove incremental sales through new service offerings
  • 3X Increase to Robosoft organic traffic within 8 months.
View case study

Want to meet with our team?

Book a meeting directly here

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Why you should choose Digital Authority Partners
for your Web Development needs

Responsive and Mobile Friendly

Web design is different from graphic design. A painting, a poster, a mural … it never changes. You can create a static design, without having to worry that the canvas size will change.

Web design is far more dynamic. To design a mobile-friendly responsive site that truly works just as well on a smartphone screen as it does on a desktop screen, a web developer must think about a website as an elastic thing. 

It’s three-dimensional chess, and we play it to win. We go the extra mile to make sure that every visitor to your site has a world-class experience, regardless of the screen size or processor speed.  


User Obsessed

When you hire DAP to develop a website, you are our client … but in a way, you aren’t. Our real clients are the users, i.e. your customers. Our web development process is an opportunity to put stakeholders in the customer’s shoes and develop a better understanding of them.

Every San Diego web development decision we make, we make with your potential users in mind. That’s why user personas play such an important role in our development process—we want to know who we’re doing this all for, and let that inform the direction of the development process. 

Tailor-Made Website For You

Websites should be as unique as the companies that own them. Cookie-cutter websites simply don’t cut it. They’re easy to spot, and they don’t have the kind of features users expect.

Every DAP San Diego web development project is custom to meet your exact needs. We do the hard work of getting to know your company—your unique values and value proposition—and design a website that truly represents you.

There’s a reason it’s called “web design.” A great website is not just a tool, it’s a work of art. We take that expectation seriously, a mandate to craft you something truly special.

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