Therapist SEO
Frequently Asked Questions

How do Therapists Benefit from SEO?

Whether you’re a provider group or solo practitioner, SEO for therapists can help you reach more prospective clients.

Highly optimized search content, together with a conversion optimized website, leads to predictable, consistent new client growth and flexibility that comes with more demand for your services than available billable hours.

Besides increasing revenue, more new clients equals more referral opportunities, which leads to further business.

In addition to accessing new clients, SEO services reduce time spent marketing your practice so you have more time for clients and other important tasks.

SEO content can position you as a leader in your field, which may open the door to additional opportunities.

SEO is literally search engine optimization, but the goal of search engines is providing the best user experience by displaying the most relevant, authoritative content, answering questions, and solving problems. Superior SEO ensures people continue using your site. Inferior SEO makes prospective clients seek information elsewhere.

All the factors search engines account for attempt to rank sites highest with the best user experience.

According to Search Engine Land, 77% of healthcare seekers begin their journey online. For many clients, content on your website is the first interaction they have with your practice.

SEO content is your opportunity to make a great first impression and win client business by communicating trust, confidence, and your expertise in solving client’s problems.

SEO for therapists is important because when done by agencies like ours that put users first, it brings in new business—not only traffic.

Unlike pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, SEO takes time to develop. Depending on keyword competition and the number of backlinks competitor sites have, first page rankings can take six months or more.

Fortunately, many local SEO opportunities such as Google My Business, Bing Places, and citation optimizations can provide near-term results as we continue long-term optimization.

There are no SEO shortcuts. But SEO is worth the wait. On average, across all industries, SEO returns $3 for every $1 spent. SEO also has a compounding effect. The more content you publish and as more of your pages are indexed, the more domain authority you’ll have. As your domain authority increases, pages index and rank higher, faster.

When this happens, it becomes very difficult for competitors to outrank you. It also requires less maintenance and fewer resources to maintain top positions.

Costs vary by need. Typically, local SEO campaigns range from $4,000-$6,000/month. And SEO produces far more long-term value than PPC. PPC produces immediate results, but those results end the moment you stop paid campaigns. Conversely, the same amount spent on SEO gives you assets that continue providing value.

Ideally, if you can afford to, balance your digital marketing budget between SEO and PPC. That way, you’re maximizing both short-and-long-term results. We also manage PPC. Contact us today.

Calculating your return on investment (ROI) is important to understanding the value of SEO services.

SEO takes time and agencies are under pressure to produce rapid results. Because of this, the monthly reports they produce are sometimes misleading. For instance, they may show rank upgrades to many keywords early on.

That’s great progress, but first page rankings for high-value keywords are what drive traffic and ultimately add to your bottom line. To calculate the true value, you need to measure ROI. Here’s how.

First, establish baseline traffic and conversions. To do this, you need analytics set up with conversion goals. Most agencies do this. Conversions are when a user performs an action, such as scheduling an appointment, completing a form, click-to-call, or calling a campaign specific phone number.

Once baseline is established, look at the difference in traffic and conversions in the Organic Traffic channel in analytics over the length of time you’re calculating ROI.

Now determine your cost over the same term. For instance, $4,000/mo for 12 months or $48,000.

Calculate conversion value by calculating the average lifetime value of a client. To get this, divide your annual revenue by the number of clients in your caseload annually. For instance: $312,000/1560 = $200/client.

Now let’s say your SEO efforts delivered 50 new clients a month over a year or 600. 600 x $200 = $120,000.

Calculate ROI: (Revenue – SEO cost) / SEO cost. From the above example ($120,000 – $72,000) / $72,000 = ROI .67% or $1.67 for every $1 spent.

Helping Therapy Practices
Increase Their Online Exposure

Case Studies



  • Page 1 ranking for primary keyword
  • 65% increase to both page views and time on site
  • 43% increase in conversion rate
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate
View case study
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  • 1,400+ #1 Position Keywords in Google Search
  • 11,400% Increase in Monthly Organic Traffic Within 2 years
  • 70,500+ # of healthcare keywords ranking
View case study
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Cove Markets

  • 52% Increase in PQLs YoY
  • 2,321% Increase in Qualified Organic Traffic to the website in 18 months
  • 81.12% Increase in time on page across the website after the rebranding
View case study

Schedule your free consultation

Have questions about your next project? Schedule a consultation with a DAP expert today and find out what we can do for your business.

Why Companies Choose to
Work With our Therapist SEO Experts

  • We’re Healthcare Marketing Experts.We specialize in healthcare marketing and have achieved stellar results for private practices and healthcare leaders, including Athena Health, Blue Cross / Blue Shield, and Omron.
  • We Get Results.Our SEO generates 1.5 million visitors for clients monthly from 30,000 first position keyword rankings.
  • We’re Award-WinningRecipients of multiple prestigious awards for our digital healthcare experiences and mobile apps.

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