Plastic Surgery Website Design
Frequently Asked Questions

What is Plastic Surgery Website Design?

The best plastic surgery websites “sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Who wants to think about going under the scalpel? Plastic surgery patients seek transformation. But they also need to understand your expertise, professionalism, and qualifications and develop trust and confidence in your services. Great plastic surgery websites present aspirational imagery and high-quality content that anticipates and answers questions and guides your visitors to the next step in becoming patients. You also want easily updatable sites your team members can manage without coding experience. Popular, widely used platforms built on leading technology offer the best options for future-proofing and support.

Factors to consider when scoping your plastic surgery practice website include:

  • Purpose, goals, and objectives
  • Target audience
  • Technology stack
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Mobile friendly device agnostic
  • Content (copy, audio, video, forms, chat)
  • Features
  • Pages, services
  • Competitors
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Maintenance and hosting costs
  • Accessibility (ADA compliant)

WordPress is easily the most widely supported development platform and content management system, powering 455 million, 34% of all websites. It is feature-rich, easily editable, customizable, and can be self-hosted and moved to other servers.


On average, physicians report spending between $17,500-$75,000 on their websites. Costs vary by scope. Simple sites cost less than complex, feature-rich, fully integrated sites. SEO optimization and content production (copy, photography, video) also add to the costs. Hosting and domain are other considerations.

On average, websites for most medical practices can be completed between 2-4 months. Again, this can vary by complexity, client approval, and access to, or production of, content assets. Coding sites from scratch without a framework like WordPress takes considerably longer and for most physicians provides no additional benefits. Our team is highly experienced with either option.

Websites offer many benefits for solo practitioners, groups, even employed plastic surgeons. For solo practitioners and groups, professional, high-quality websites with engaging user experiences are vital to communicating your experience, expertise, specializations, and the value of your services. Your website is an opportunity to engage prospects considering your services. Anticipating and answering questions better than your competitors and presenting your content strategically and visually appealingly is key to winning patient’s business.

Here are some guidelines to follow when considering your web development agency. First, look at the work they’ve done for other practices. Visit those sites, review the features, content, and structure, and test the functionality if you like their work. Check them on multiple devices. Do they load fast? Does everything work?

Check online reviews. View the agency’s case studies. Do they describe problems and solutions and their thought processes, steps, and reasoning?

Contact the agency and interview them. What is their communication style? Are they available via phone or email? Ask about support, SEO, and technology. Ask about their processes and how they will work with you.

Evaluating the agency’s reviews, responses, and professionalism should give you an idea if they’re right for you.

Helping Companies Create
Next-Gen Digital Experiences

Case Studies



  • Page 1 ranking for primary keyword
  • 65% increase to both page views and time on site
  • 43% increase in conversion rate
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate
View case study
imaware laptop


  • 1,400+ #1 Position Keywords in Google Search
  • 11,400% Increase in Monthly Organic Traffic Within 2 years
  • 70,500+ # of healthcare keywords ranking
View case study
The new performance dashboard of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois shown on a desktop

BlueCross BlueShield

  • 75 reduction in time spent on email
  • 40 increase in submission speed of
    managed health reports
View case study

Schedule your free consultation

Have questions about your next project? Schedule a consultation with a DAP expert today and find out what we can do for your business.

Why Plastic Surgeons Choose to
Work With our Website Design Experts

  • Our expert development team has built solutions for Fortune 500 companies, renowned universities, and disruptive startups.
  • We have a track record of delivering on time and within budget.
  • We are a trusted partner to some of the country’s largest and most well-respected organizations.

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