SEO for Plastic Surgeons
Frequently Asked Questions

How do Plastic Surgeons Benefit from SEO?

Plastic surgeons benefit from SEO by attracting more website visitors when they rank higher in search results for various keywords. More visitors equal more opportunities to engage and convert prospects into patients. Done right, your website content will answer many of the questions patients have prior to them contacting you. Do this better than your competitors and you win customers. Everything works together. More visitors = more conversions = more customers = more word-of-mouth referrals = more revenue.

82.8% of patients search for providers online prior to contact. 71% of patients seek other providers when they don’t find what they’re looking for on a provider’s site. Being found by local patients searching for your services is vital but it’s only half the battle. Anticipating and answering a prospect’s questions better than your competitors is the path to patient acquisition online. Good SEO strategy and content does that. If your website isn’t ranking for the terms your prospects are searching and you aren’t positioned as the solution to their problems, you’re leaving money on the table.

While it is true, no provider seeking SEO services wants to hear, “it depends.” Time-to-results is difficult to gauge. A survey of 75 SEO experts reported notable traffic increases in 6 months while first page rankings take an average of 12-24 months. Again, this can vary by keyword competitiveness and other factors. Keep in mind, SEO compounds over time. As your site ages and you continue publishing content and getting backlinks, search engines collect more data establishing what Google calls E-A-T (expertise, authority, and trust) factors, ranking higher for various keywords becomes faster and easier. Contact us for a more accurate appraisal of your time-to-results.

Broadly, SEO services range from $5k-$15k/month, with initiation costs between $5k-$10k. Costs depend on several factors. Question any agency providing one-size-fits-all pricing. SEO is time-consuming and labor intensive. Strategy is probably the most important factor in winning SEO, followed by high-quality content and backlinks. Beyond those, Google considers over 200 ranking factors. Optimizing for ‌these factors requires careful thought, planning, processes, and execution. If you want to know what SEO will cost your practice, contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

Fortunately, calculating ROI for SEO services is fairly simple for medical practices. First, find your average patient lifetime value (LTV). Calculate this by averaging the number of times patients visit your office annually. Next, multiply that number by the average value of an office visit, multiplied by the average number of years patients remain with your practice. Example: An average patient visits 3 times/year spending an average $2500/visit and stays with you for an average of 5 years. Their LTV is $37,500. Or $7500/year.

Next factor in the cost of SEO services. Working with an agency is good because you’ll have fixed costs. Let’s say your cost is $15,000/month or $180,000/year.

Now look at your organic traffic increases and conversion. Let’s say SEO efforts brought 100k new visitors to your site in a year. You convert .025% for 250 new patients. The total value of those conversions based on average LTV is $93,750,000 or $1,875,000/year.

Calculate annual ROI:

  • (Return – Cost) / Cost 
  • $1,875,000 – $180,000 = $1,695,000
  • $1,695,000 / $180,000 = $9.41 ROI for every dollar spent.

Helping Plastic Surgeons
Increase Their Online Exposure

Case Studies

athena health


  • 140% increase in revenue-to-date
  • 40% increase in app engagement
  • 36% increase in surveys taken by the 2M+ doctors
    on the app
View case study
imaware laptop


  • 1,400+ #1 Position Keywords in Google Search
  • 11,400% Increase in Monthly Organic Traffic Within 2 years
  • 70,500+ # of healthcare keywords ranking
View case study


  • Page 1 ranking for primary keyword
  • 65% increase to both page views and time on site
  • 43% increase in conversion rate
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate
View case study

Schedule your free consultation

Have questions about your next project? Schedule a consultation with a DAP expert today and find out what we can do for your business.

Why Plastic Surgeons Choose to Work With Our Medical SEO Experts

  • We’re Experienced. We specialize in healthcare marketing and know how to get results while keeping you out of legal hot water.
  • We’re On-Time and On-Budget. We have the resources to execute your initiatives for our agreed upon price regardless of the hours we spend on your account.
  • We’re Award-Winning. We’re a 5-time award-winning agency, with awards for innovation and the best digital agency.
  • We’re Focused on the Future. Our forward-thinking strategies set you up for maximum success now while future-proofing your business.

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