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Let’s talk about your next lead generation project. Schedule a consultation with a DAP expert today and find out what we can do for your Chicago lead generation needs.

Michael Reddy
Chicago, Illinois
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Why Chicago Companies Choose Us
For lead generation

  • Trusted by Leading Brands. Our clients include Kroger, Blue Cross, Huffy, Dolby, and Frommers together with businesses large and small.
  • We’re Focused on Results. Really, Ask about our performance based pricing. 
  • Grounded in Data and Principles. Channels and opportunities continually changing. Buyer psychology isn’t. We use data based, proven psychological principles to deliver consistent leads at scale. 

Our Work

Unique Expertise
Software as a Solution
Financial services


  • $3M New business secured during the first year due to marketing efforts
  • #1 Loyalty program lifetime value software ranking on Google
  • 13.54% The click-through rate on email (vs. ~2.5% industry average)
  • 15% Reduction in cost to serve by leveraging business intelligence solution
View case study
The Robosoft Technologies' wensite displayed on desktop
Software as a Solution


  • Improved SEO rankings
  • Increased qualified leads from organic traffic
  • Drove incremental sales through new service offerings
  • 3X Increase to Robosoft organic traffic within 8 months.
View case study
Dickson left computer


  • 10% increase in total leads YoY
  • 18% reduction in bounce rate
  • 71% increase in email click-through rate
  • 3x increase in form conversion rate
View case study

Want to meet with our team?

Book a meeting directly here

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Learn more about
Chicago Lead Generation Agency

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Why You Should Choose Digital Authority Partners
For Your Lead Generation Needs

We Make Sure To Understand Your Target Audience

Customer understanding is vital to marketing success. We tailor content, messaging, and campaigns to each customer segment. Our full audit, including persona building, account-based marketing, and cohort analysis, is how we create the best possible strategy for your business, based on your ideal customer. We’ll target them based on their desires and position you as the solution.


We generate leads for a range of industries and clients daily. We know what works and what doesn’t. We choose the best strategy for generating the maximum volume of qualified leads at the lowest cost.

Working on a project

A lead generation strategy paired with marketing assets

Our Chicago lead generation services aren’t isolated. We pair them with true through funnel strategies combining content, digital marketing, SEO best practices, and demand generation. It takes a full strategy to scale lead generation efforts and turn your business into a lead-engine.


Throughout the process, we use data to continually optimize funnels, strategy, and assets. DAP focuses on the most important of the myriad components of lead generation to deliver consistent, predictable client results.

Strategies to attract and nurture prospects

At DAP, while the principles of effective marketing remain the same, technology and opportunities are ever changing. We continually stay at the forefront of new developments and implement them when they make sense.  


Creating personalized campaigns at scale that resonate with prospects throughout your funnel is one key to our success. Another component of effective strategy is understanding where prospects are within your funnel and anticipating their next question. Doing so enables us to create micro-conversion opportunities that lead them deeper into your funnel with increased demand. 


Analyze and Optimize Lead gen Efforts

Our data-driven, growth-oriented approach to digital marketing is what sets us apart from other agencies. Our Chicago lead generation services are based on rigorous analysis and testing. We track the important marketing KPIs to ensure your business is always on the right track.

Do you want to grow in 2024?